(606) 340-8652

Winter Blues?

Winter Blues?

Many boaters have not seen their boat for several months by the time January rolls around. You planned and thought of everything you could to leave your boat secure through the frigid winter months. It may be time to pay a visit to your boat, The lake is just as beautiful in the winter as in the summer, just different. Pick a time when there is no snow or frost on the dock, so you don’t take a chance on a dangerous slip. Your boat could use some attention right now. Chances are everything is just as you left it, thanks to the preparations you made in the fall. However, sometimes the weather changes can make something turn into a problem, that you had not anticipated. Caulk can pull loose from windows, or cabin wall trim. Cracks can appear in the roof even though you had it resurfaced in the past year or two. A tiny crack in the winter, can create water damage inside, that will make your spring projects much more difficult to work through. Winter winds can also loosen or break dock lines, break snaps and Isinglass in canvas enclosures, and leave your boat vulnerable to even greater damage. If you have water in your holding tanks, and adequate heat, spend the night, with some chili simmering in the crock pot. You will enjoy the peace and beauty of the lake at a time you usually don’t get to see, and go home with the peace of mind, your boat will be in good shape come spring.

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